

Analogue Plectrum

This module is now discontinued.
A new updated version in 8 HP has been released. Check out its successor: Morphor Plectrum

The Morphor AP-1 module is a fully analogue Eurorack module that can produce plucked string sounds. Based on the Karplus-Strong principle, this module is a compact all-in-one solution for generating amazing bass, acoustic guitar and percussion sounds.


  • 100% analog
  • Karplus-Strong principle
  • Built with classic BBD chip
  • Break-out BBD loop
  • Internal/external loop switch
  • Trigger input
  • 1 V/oct input
  • Tune knob
  • Pitch modulation CV input
  • Colour CV input (i.e. internal loop LPF cut-off frequency)
  • Feedback control
  • Mono output


Panel width :  10 HP
Panel height :  3 U
Module depth :  40 mm
Current draw :   12 V : 40 mA |  -12 V :  40 mA |  +5 V :  0 mA
Dimensions :  128.5 x 50.8 x 40 mm
Weight :  251 g
Frequency Range :  sub-audio range to roughly 800 Hz
Power Socket :  16-pin


Download user manual v1.1

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AP-1 - Analogue Plectrum


EAN :  5419980274205
HS Code :  92099400